Bunker Contests
Hey There Bunker viewers! Its almost the new year so to kick things off, the Bunker will have its first contest. Its open to all people every where so dont feel discouraged about joining in. What's the contest? Well, its simple. The Bunker wants to you make an AD. The ad must include the following:
Must be Fort Minor related
Pictures included(4 min)
Can be digital(website ad) or magazine like (winners are from each category type)
Promotes major Fort Minor sites( Fortminormilitia.com, fortminor.com, myspace.com/fortminor, fmstreetteam.com)
Promotes the Bunker as well( come on! Its having the contest!)
Sent in as a Jpeg, BMP, or photoshop file.
Scanned for viruses(yes viruses can attach itself, but we dont want those)
Creativeness, no premade ad builders. Submissions should be everyones own work.
Now on to prizes. 1 grand prize winner will get a free online Fort Minor Militia account. 2 runner ups will receive a copy of the special edition version of "The Rising Tied". Winners will be announced January 10th.
The Contest ends January 3rd, 11:59pm eastern standard time. NO LATE ENTRIES ACCEPTED!
Remember to have fun :)
Site was designed and made by
Streets aka JesD..
Site Manager Contact (c) The Fort Minor